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Home equipment Junior Tackle Ring
Junior Tackle Ring RJRJR
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Junior Tackle Ring

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The Rhino Rugby Junior Tackle Ring is designed to encourage coaches and players alike to develop dynamic skills in and around the most crucial area of the modern game - the tackle contest. The Junior Tackle Ring is a revolutionary piece of equipment that enables you to work on correct tackle technique without player on player contact. One of the key components of the Tackle Ring is that it simulates a tackle on the run thus giving the player feedback on the angle and timing of the tackle. The Tackle Ring brings the game full circle as there are straps for a ball which encourages the player to get off the ground after making a tackle and work on their technique for stealing/slowing up the ball.


  • 38.5" diameter
  • 10” width
  • 13 pounds
  • Ball not included
  • 1 year guarantee

  • It’s fun to use! The ring takes a boring and uninspiring activity of hitting tackle bags at practice, and makes it a much more invigorating and rewarding experience. It’s great for all kinds of athletes, whether you’re:
  • New to rugby or contact sports
  • Trying to change your football technique to something safer and with a higher success rate
  • Coming back from injury and need a confidence boost
  • Trying to break old bad habits
  • Looking to add some new fun drills to practice
  • Working to make your transition to poach the rugby ball automatic

The movement of the ring creates an inside and an outside of what is traditionally a static target. This movement allows the tackler to differentiate between the inside and outside of the bag, so they can get used to using the correct shoulder and head placement (on the inside of the target). This technique is very ‘rugby’ orientated approach which is typically proven to be safer and lead to less concussions than a ‘football’ style tackle.

Using the ring at tackling practice means the days of players tackling players, and risking injuring one another, are over

Can be used to practice a large array of different tackles:

  • Front on tackle
  • Side on tackle
  • Pursuit tackle
  • Diagonal tackle

The Junior Tackle Ring provides instant feedback on the tacklers body height, and whether or not their aim is accurate. If the tacklers aim is too high on the ring, then they are unlikely to get a solid hold on the target, and will roll over the top of the bag (simulating a stiff arm). If their aim is too low, then they will also be unlikely to get a solid hold on their target, and the bag will roll or tumble over them (simulating a tackler breaking free). If however, the tackler is able to connect solidly with the sweet spot on the bag (the middle of the bag), then they will get a firm grip on it and send it backwards in the collision.


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